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The problem

Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. Breast cancer diagnoses in the US have been rising from 226,000 in 2010 until now and are expected to hit 294,000 by 2030, remaining the 4th most diagnosed cancer. Europeans represent about one-tenth of the global population, yet one in four of all cancer diagnoses occur in this region.

Female breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer. Over 355.000 women in the EU-27 are estimated to be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2022 (13.3% of all cancer diagnoses).

However, research dedicated to this specific cancer type is not proportional to its incidence. In fact, many authors have recognized a global ongoing trend on funding research in the field of oncology that is mainly centered on the male population.

The most popular current screening solution is the mammogram, but an ongoing strong debate on its performance -mainly because of its low sensitivity- is leaving an open spot at the market to be filled by a pain-free, low-cost, non-irradiating new approach. In fact, in 2017, the World Health Organization published the "WHO Position paper on mammography screening" stating that there is an urgent and tangible need for a new solution for breast cancer screening.

In conclusion, there exists a need for a non-invasive, inexpensive, sensitive and in-home breast cancer screening. Additionally, breast cancer has been identified by the EC as one of the priorities in research. In conclusion, there exists a need for a non-invasive, inexpensive, sensitive and in-home breast cancer screening.

Hence, it will contribute in (i) fostering both european and overseas strategic relationships; (ii) advancing the researcher’s career, which might potentially allow him/her to engage in subsequent European-led projects and continue advancing Europe’s innovative and disruptive ecosystem; (iii) accelerating a transition from a scientifically-proven proof of concept into a future marketed medical device, thus investing in translational science.

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